Thursday, May 16, 2013

Dual Character Training. I Thought We Had That Already!

By now everyone has seen the post!  By now if you are like me you already don't care about it. I mean the title alone made many a capsuleer prematurely excrete some pod  juice but once I read  the explanation, it left a lack luster feeling.

"Case 1: You have an alt and you just need a few days or weeks of training but you can't be bothered with logging into your main, pausing the skill training, logging out and then back in again to resume training on your alt. That or you simply don't want your +5 implanted, carefully EVEMon-planned main character to stop training.

Case 2: You need an alt, you create a new account, pay a signup fee, a month, two or three, then train the alt. After all requirements are met for the alt to do it's new job efficiently, you transfer it to your main account, i.e. consolidate, and pay a transfer fee. Sooner or later you're facing Case 1 because after all, your industry alt will need to invent new things, your market alt will need higher order capacity and your cyno alt could be turned into a covert cyno alt. Then later a covert recon cyno alt... then later, well you know where this is going.

A simple solution to this is to offer users to enable secondary training slots on their accounts using PLEX."

These 2 case points, to me, feel like an attempt to make us think they are doing us a service. But in reality they aren't giving us anything we didn't already have in just a different form! For instance case 1. How many people really, on a regular basis, train in this fashion? I can pretty much say very little and be correct without even checking. The only reason to train like this is if you are on a budget or just need a quick little ship to do something specific. My opinion of case 1 is that they just needed another point because it holds no true point for the majority of eve players. Now to be far about case 1, it is convenient indeed for those that want to do a easy 30 day train here and there. Buying a plex in this manor 2-3 times out of the year just to get a character into something more useful to you is great. Training 2 characters on 1 account is what we have asked for, right? Well yes, we did, but I'm pretty sure we had a more permanent thought in mind. The only reason I see to stop a main from training is because you have reached a point where you are fine with what he can do.

Now to point 2. Its a much better point than 1 that's for sure, but it has its flaws. First lets look at what people do with their alts. Scout, cyno, freighter, booster, and industrial/pvp depending on what your main is. Pretty standard imho but how many of these are you going to have on the same account? On average everyone has at least 2 account and 3 accounts being a close second. I would assume that the characters that will need the most amount of training up keep would not be on the same account. Surely a cyno/scout alt wouldn't be on the same account as the cap and/or jump freighter pilot. Surely a booster alt won't be on the same account as the pvp pilot. Point I'm trying to make is that they are saying save your plex that you would use to transfer accounts to buy a plex to  train 2 characters for 1 month even though in most cases you aren't going to transfer those characters anyways. By doing this we will avoid a new account start up fee and save 1 billion isk. WHAT A DEAL! Not. Most players no matter what are going to get a second account or already have multiple accounts and this doesn't affect them any. The players already have a system in play that is sufficient and honestly, more beneficial to us.

Most of my corp mates and myself have alts which are on separate accounts. Those accounts are paid for with plex that we buy with isk. Some pay for all accounts with plex but I only pay for one with plex. Either way, if we want to train multiple toons on those accounts the isk we spend is doubled which in turns mean we must make double isk to compensate. Living in a wh isk isn't an issue but its not as easy to make isk in other places. It would seem the best way to deal with this is to consolidate characters. Well that would imply we needed to buy more plex to make the transfers so more isk spent there, or the other route and buy the plex with real money which opens up another argument as well!

Are CCP after our money? Simply put yes. They have to make money if we wont to continue to play space pirates. They have to turn a profit to pay employees and maintain the servers. That's the simple truth. The hard truth is that, like any other company, they aren't satisfied with enough. And that's not a completely bad thing. If they make more money than they could grow, hire more devs and get more shinnies out for us to play with (or fix all the area's that need fixing). Instead we still have things that need to be done and nothing is happening. To say they are implementing this training for plex just to rake in the cash is a bit over board. To say its a big factor in the release hits the nail on the head. You have a lot players that don't make enough isk to use for a plex but will want to dual train, players that make enough isk for one plex to pay for accounts but not 2 to do the dual training, and then you have the players that use real money to buy plex to sell for isk. These players will have to, in some way, spend more real money to compensate for this change. (This is an obvious assumption that they want to dual train.) But to assume that CCP didn't take this into account is just ignorance. TBH to implement this now just screams "show me the money."

The way it should be done is simple. Give us a permanent dual training system with stipulations. You choose which toon is main and which toon is alt. The main gets everything like it is now. The alt has all training times doubled. If they still want their money then allow a plex to shorten the alts training times but not enough to train at the normal speed. Would this be the ideal method for everyone? No, but it would be so much closer to what the players have asked for over the last 10 years. But instead what we get is a fresh paint job over a system the players have been using for years. The only true difference is CCP's way costs more.

In this case id suggest to everyone to stick with our methods of alt training and don't buy into CCP.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Faded Paint

Just an update from the Hooligans.

We opened recruitment in march.  Its been a slow process to say the least but we have gotten a few decent hits as well as the occasional troll. Been trying to fill in a bit of EU slots to have more people on at different times but it seems Bill will have to talk to himself a bit longer. All and all its a slow climb but our hole is perfect for our size so we are good for the long haul.

Pvp, up until last month, was going well. We had some good fights in low, helped destroy a few PoS' in wormholes, and rolled some holes for a bit of pew. They are learning but still have a ways to go. Silly and avoidable loses seem to be our weakness. But as a whole our k/d ratio and damage done/rec ratio are positive which is a nice thing to have for a PvE corporation. It will at least make any aggressors think a bit and shows like most we wont just roll over or run. Home Defense I believe is solid. Being in a c2 makes things so much easier the main thing we lack is numbers but for the most part we are capable of holding our own. It also helps that we have caps and the aggressors wont. Not that that is a win button but its sure a plus for our side.

Isk as usual is being made. Solid PI planets provide most of our fuel. Industrial PoS' for some extra isk and sites, sites, and more sites. Although members have been less active this last month due to RL, the corp is still doing great. We have isk saved for our downtimes and still plenty for any extended period. Says a lot when members can pay for accounts with isk they made in the months prior. Just incase you cant hear what it says, it is saying we make a lot of isk!

All in all we are doing great! Slowly growing, learning, and improving. (mmm maybe Rixx will join up) Our baggage has definitely gotten lighter over the months as our wallets have gotten heavier and our hangers are filling up. Now all we need is Odyssey.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

New Year, New Beginnings

Like most people, I always get a sense of renewal around the new year. That feeling of change that may or may not occur. Usually its a quick feeling as the same old baggage comes to slap you in the face and remind you that the only real change you'll be getting this year is heavier baggage.

Kadavr Conglomorate, another of Nashh Kadavr's  built corporations, has been through a lot in its few years living in wormholes. Gone from c4 to c5 and down to c2 wormholes, dealt with ups and downs of inactivity, evacuated a c5 wormhole, and even survived the incompetence of a so called "leader." The corp made it through a lot but not without scars. No direction or vision for the future, a kill board that was all but inviting, and members with limited or no experience in pvp. Change was both wanted and needed.

Enter Dead Space Hooligans. On the outside it looks like a corp made up of the same members that were in Kadavr Conglomorate, and it is. There is one major difference between them though. Morale! While we were in Kadavr it always seems like we were held down by the corps past. Not matter what we did we couldn't fix those mistakes. So instead of grinding through with all of the baggage that was Kadavr Conglomorate we decided to start fresh.

Again, on the outside it looks like an old rifter with a new paint job, but this rifter is purring like a kitten. We have worked out security measure that will keep our corp and members safer from corp thieves which means an easier time recruiting, which we will be opening up soon. Revamped our loot payout systems and increased incentives for those that go above and beyond on loot collections. Increased pvp activities, we are currently roaming in low sec for some basic training, and basic pos defense training. Our kill board, while not the best looking stats around, at least looks like it has a chance. New leadership that actually makes decisions and cares about the corp and its members. And a lot of other stuff that doesn't mean much to anyone outside the corp.

Change can be tough sometimes, but if its embraced it can renew the fighting spirit! We chose to change and are 10x better off now because of it!

Sunday, July 22, 2012


So Since the last payday for the wormhole corp, my sidekick Adex III and I have been hitting the sites pretty hard to maximize our isk intake! All has been going good with 2 wormholes full of sites wiped clean by us alone and several others done with more corp members, we are well on our way to 2 bil profit depending on when they decide to take our lootz out. Unfortunately for us, last night went bad. Very bad!

So we clear a c4 statics sites and decide to close the wormhole and open a new one for more sites! All went well and we opened up the new static with 19 regular sites. Jackpot in our eyes! Keep in mind for me it is 10:30 pm when we start running these sites. So we are running site after site after site, checking dscan as we go and all is good. Gets to be about 2 am for me and my eyelids are getting heavy. I tell Adex that I'm about to call it cause I'm about to fall asleep but he talks me into doing more sites until we get another bil worth of lootz. I agree and run 2 more sites. He tells me we have a little over a bill in lootz and are good to go. At this point I get a little greedy and decide to do one more to attempt to even out our individual payments.

At this point its almost 3 am and I'm so tired that I'm not even thinking about dscan. So we finish the site and warp the noctis in for the lootz. Again feeling so tired I decide to lay my head on my desk. What seemed like a second (but really about 2 minutes) I was asleep. I open my eyes and look up to see multiple red boxes and bubbles around my fleet. Adex yells my name (I can only assume he kinda new I had fallen asleep) and I then start aligning out in an attempt to get out of the bubbles. Being a remote rep tengu and that the other 2 tengus on the field being jammed, my tengu went down.(my first t3 loss) I start moving my pod out as I'm still in the bubble, as I'm almost out they finally decide to finish the job and back to Dal I go. Soon the other 2 tengus go down as well but we are relieved to find out the noctis got out.

That was short lived as in the suspense the noctis jumps to the wormhole at 0 where they have a tackle waiting. Noctis jumps through hoping the stabs will be enough to prevent the tackle but in the end he had to jump back through and attempt to cloak. He managed to cloak but wasn't able to move fast enough and eventually got de-cloaked and died. just over 2.5 bil worth of ships destroyed and 1.1 bil worth of lootz lost. We were sad pandas. Granted the loss of or ships and even out lootz didn't phase us much. We were more annoyed at the complete waste of time our greediness cost us! Safe to say ill start stocking up on the mountain dew and red bull for our next late night run!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Return

Due to needing some extra real life moniez and the lack of free time that allowed me I have been inactive for about 4 months on the pvp side of eve. Kept my wh alt subbed to try and keep a steady flow of isk rolling in but again lack of free time just didn't allow it and eventually the account went mia as well! But now summer is coming to a close and Im getting back to my usual schedule.

Upon re-subbing Acute Dragonis, I promptly swapped him over from pvp corp to wh corp due to lack of iskies. Been back a month and with 2 paydays under the belt have already generated 2.1bil isk (no Nashh you cannot have for your titan fund!) and managed to only spend 400mil so far, which is good in my book!

Ive also been trying to whip some of these wh players into pvp shape I was told that they are pve players and we should resort to talks over tea and cake when we meet other wh corps. That's fine and dandy sometimes but the day is coming when we will have to defend our wh and id rather be ready instead of having to explain things. In a bit of bait training I had one member in a tanked probing drake. We brought 2 cane, 2 falcons, and a 100mn tengu plus the tengu booster. The thing about wh pvp is it can be extremely hard to get intel on a target and/or fleet it may be in. We brought these ships to go against a falcon, Proteus, and 3 rr tengu. Basic stuff really use 100mn to burn down falcon while we start jaming and melting the rr tengus. We had a cloaky follow them untill they stoped and launched probes. We came up shortly and pushed the drake through and did the same.

Few minutes passed and nothing going on. Our 100mn tengu and boosting tengu lost his net and dc'd. 30 sec later a\our drake pilot is saying Arazu has him pointed! no big deal means more are coming so we jump into wh and hold cloaks. A few seconds later a Zealot is called out so we warp for the kill. We land point and start the onslaught. Everything is going good, Arazu jammed ans Zealot pointed and falling. Check Dscan and nothing so I focus on keeping optimal. Zealot hits 50% armor and here comes the reinforcements! Now a total of 12 hostiles on the field! After we stop laughing on comms (all you can do in that situation) I tell them to finish Zealot and warp if possible. I start warp then get pointed by Arazu and half a sec later Arazu is jammed again and I attempt another warp! I was so close to warp i could already feel the relief set in and then boom....

We start warping pods out. Both falcons made it out and kudos to them for some of the jams. We would have made it out if not for the number of points! But as we are warping and finally checking Dscan again I see a lot more ships than what we saw on the field! Checking the loss mail I also notice that this fleet is not made up of anyone in the corp we were actually baiting. So after a quick search I find their battle report. It seems that the group we initially tried to bait jumped in shortly after and killed 2 more ships. Good fun!

Besides the fact that we didn't watch the Dscan closely enough and we lost one dps right before the fight, over all it went very well. They listened, called points and jams. We are getting there, we just really need a few more active pilots to compete with the bigger wh corps.

Monday, February 20, 2012

The Cake Is Not a Lie Today!

It is my real life birthday today and although I havent been able to be to jump in game as much as id like to lately, any fitted ships (minmitar preferred) or isk would be wonderful!!!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

New KBG Recruitment

OK listen up grunts, we still have a few limited places available for the right people.

If your attitude sucks, if you act like a hormonal teenager, then don't bother applying even if you have a "elite" killboard, you won't get in.

We're not interested in Drama llama's.


There is a few specifics you will need to have, or be close to flying:


1 racial T2 cruiser hull, with full T2 weapons/modules and Tank. ie HAC/Recon/Logi

1 racial T2 frigate T2 Weapons/modules where required.

Battlecruiser trained to 4 minimum, with appropriate fittings.

This means you will have a bare minimum of 10m skillpoints, and in the right areas.

We fly the following gangs, you will be expected to be able to have fitted and be able to fly something suitable from your hanger.

Frigate wolf pack

Shield Battlecruiser

Shield Nano Battlecruiser

Tier 3 Battlecruiser Alpha

Battleship, Dread / Carrier fleets - we do these, occasionaly.

Corp ops are non mandatory, however if you don't want to fly with a gang, why join a corp?

Combat experience is preferable, as is a positive kill / death ratio, however for the right people that are willing to listen, we can break your bad habit of dying and make you into a solid combat pilot.

We have solid logistics in place, with regular freighter runs to/from Jita, and lowsec/highsec hauling.

You will also need the following:

Working Mic, and audio. We use Mumble/Vent/TS3 depending on who we are flying with.

Self sufficient isk source. We can assist by providing Alt access to lvl4 missions, and to our WH for isk.

We are mainly EU/US timezone. Background checks may apply.

Contact Anabaric, Acute Dragonis, or Nashh Kadavr in game, or Join Kadavr Public for more information